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  • O'Meara Didgeridoos Australia
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The didgeridoo log harvest 2020!

Writer's picture: Tristan O'MearaTristan O'Meara

gday all :) im heading up again to Northern territory Australia to go out bush to find the best termite hollowed native eucalyptus logs available to make my next batch of didgeridoos! ill be heading out to a secret location for the next couple of weeks to spend my days in the stinking hot heat of the top end in the build up! probably the worst time of the year to be cutting didgeridoos due to the high heat and humidity hahah but with covid 19 restrictions earlier in the year it just wasnt possible to get out there, so ill have to bare the heat!

im heading out a few hours from darwin onto multiple large cattle stations in search of mostly black woolybutts and stringy bark hollows to cut and take home to make into some of the worlds finest instrument quality didgeridoos. ill be living in the swag for the next couple weeks and rambling through the bush in both 4wd, on my 6x6 polaris and on foot with the cordless drill and chainsaw to selectively cut the best didge logs to be found!

if im lucky i might get time to have a little fish for some barra at a nearby local spot ;) and also will get to check out some nice big crocs! ill take a bunch of photos and videos to share of the didge cutting trip this year. ill be mostly out of reception area so ill catch you all in a couple weeks! in the mean time check out the new website and all the wicked new didgeridoos ive just uploaded and are available now!!

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